Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Starting Up or Beyond, Technology Is Our Friend

Are you taking advantage of technology in your business? The right equipment is so important. Without it, there is very little you can do. The optimum way to go is having all the modern “toys”, such as smart phones, laptops, tablets, wireless printers (technology hardware) and applicable software, such as management programs. When starting up, however, that’s not always possible. Obtain what you can, as you are able. A seasoned process service business will normally have the full array of technological tools.

As a process server, you will most likely be on the road throughout most of your day. Wireless technology is the best way to go. You will usually discover that using top of the line technology is well worth the investment to your growing business.

Imagine yourself with a completely mobile office; your vehicle of choice, a notebook computer or tablet, a wireless printer, paper and your cell phone. Your client contacts you by phone or email with a service request. They have even attached the necessary paperwork to your email, or they email it after the call. You print out the court documents, start your engine and as simple as that you are off and serving.

With the availability of cloud computing, while you are out of your office, you can even access your company database and other documents by using cloud storage sites. Many of these sites provide a limited amount of storage at no cost which may be upgraded as needed to add more storage or features for a monthly fee.

Now repeat the mantra after me, technology is our friendtechnology is our friendtechnology is our friend.

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