Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How to Continue the Balancing Act

You’re feeling pretty good about the balance you’ve achieved, right? You have your process service business growing, taking on new clients. You’re managing your time, productively filling all your available hours and things are running along smoothly. Life is good.  Wrong!

If you wish to keep growing and maintaining that work / life balance you need to consider outsourcing; farming out some of your non-serving tasks. Yes, that’s right you pay someone else to do certain parts of your business for you. While you may be pretty darn good at what you do, no one person is the best at everything.

By outsourcing non-serving tasks, you now are free to accept and complete more assignments more quickly, hence more revenue. So much more revenue that the server (you) can now afford to have all these other people do all of these other tasks without affecting net  profit. As an added bonus you gain increased down time to spend on things like family and other personal pursuits.

So what gets farmed out? Go back to the list you completed from the last blog about how to manage your time. Carefully review that list to determine several things, such as 1) what do I have to do (that no one else could accomplish – be honest), 2) what do I dislike doing that someone else could do (and probably do better, more efficiently, therefore saving some $), and 3) where am I lacking the required skills and knowledge to accomplish the task at hand?

Consider what your time is worth. And, remember, time (no matter how hard you try) is not something you can replenish, unlike money which, hopefully, you are continually earning and replenishing.  Work smart, work strong, not hard.

Here’s what I suggest you consider outsourcing

·         Accounting/bookkeeping, Tax Preparation, Payroll
·         Courier Service
·         Out-of-town Service
·         Skip Trace Work
·         Social Media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Blog Posting, Website Updates)
·         Anything that is simple, yet repetitive and may be quickly reviewed prior to submission, and that which if completed by you at your hourly rate actually costs you money to perform

Do you outsource? What would you add to this list? Share your thoughts. I’d appreciate the feedback.

Are you ready to start your own Process Service business? Check out my book “The Business End of Process, Running a Process Service Company From the Ground Up” available on Amazon.com. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=%22The+Business+End+of+Process%22&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3A%22The+Business+End+of+Process%22&ajr=0.